FRONT-END AUTO-UPDATE ENABLING TOOL (Works for all versions 2000 and up)
Microsoft Access Front-End Auto-Update Enabling Tool – allows you to quickly add auto-updating to your front-ends (PLEASE NOTE: This tool is primarily meant for networked users that have direct access to the backend location). Revised file updated 06 Sep 2008
Documentation for the Auto-Update Enabling Tool
FRONT-END AUTO-UPDATE ENABLING TOOL (version for secured database using mdw file)
Microsoft Access Front-End Auto-Update Enabling Tool (for secure db) – allows you to quickly add auto-updating to your front-ends that need to use a workgroup file and shortcut to open the database using that shortcut. This version is courtesy of Tom Knight of the London Borough of Hillingdon (thanks Tom!).
Documentation for the TKnight version of the Auto-Update Enabling Tool is included in the above zip file.
FRONT-END AUTO UPDATE ENABLING TOOL (version for SQL Server/SharePoint).
Microsoft Access Front-End Enabling Tool (for SQL Server/SharePoint)
Documentation will be coming soon (5 Nov 2012).
Back-end Auto-Update Tool – allows you to add tables, delete tables, copy tables, add table columns, or delete table columns especially for remote customers. This will not merge data in tables.
Documentation for the Back-End Auto-Update Tool
This is a tool which lets you store passwords for various Access databases, including one for the backend database, the code modules, and frontend, if you have such set. This will let you keep them somewhere so that you can access them quickly for opening up those items. There are copy to clipboard buttons which will let you quickly copy the password to the clipboard so you can paste it into the dialog.
Project Password Repository (Access 2000 Format)
This is a tool for storing code and being able to quickly copy it for use in your programs. I have included some code samples in the tool as a demo to how to use it.
Code Store (Access 2000 Format)
This tool will allow you to delete all of the data in your non-linked tables and then compact which will remove the extra space leftover from the deleted data. The compact will also restore the autonumber sequence, even though we shouldn’t care what the autonumbers are if they are used properly.
You can choose to remove tables from the list (such as lookups) that you don’t want data deleted from and you can choose the order in which the delete happens, if that is important to you due to parent/child relationships being set.
This is a tool which I wrote to help me at work where I had to merge two databases (two COMPLEX databases) together and needed to know what objects were in one and not in the other. This is the first, of probably many, iterations of this tool and I will be updating the download as I get it refined further. But I wanted to share it with anyone who might be needing something similar.
This is a simple EXE that you can run without installing to get your comprehensive system information.
Ribbon Customizer for Access 2007/2010 by Clayton Hendricks. Create your own Access 2007 Ribbons real easily by using this tool.
MDB Doc is an add-in for Microsoft Access 97-2007 that allows you to document the following objects/properties within an Access database to an HTML (the language used for writing and formatting web pages) file: Database Properties Tables Queries Forms Reports Macros Normal and Class modules Form Modules Report Modules Relationships Command Bars Function/Sub/Property routines within modules Data Access Pages (Access 2000/XP/2003 version only) VBA References (new in 1.4x) It provides an easy way to generate basic system documentation for the objects contained in it. If you use it for many projects, features such as the ability to include a comment for a sub, function or property routine will allow you to build basic application documentation for your Access based applications very quickly.
A great set of tools which includes quick buttons for adding an error handler, a procedure header, documentation, etc. These are tools I wouldn’t want to live without.
This is a great tool for automatically indenting all of your code.
These are great and I especially love the Total Deep Search where you can search for ANYWHERE a word, or characters, are used within the database, including within all objects or fields.
The page has tools for sale but also further down in the list there are some free utilities and links to code examples.