
Word Definition
Access Data Project An Access database project that uses SQL Server as a back-end and Access as the front-end.
Access Relational Database program created by Microsoft.
Data Macro A special macro in Access 2010 which uses new table events to be able to perform actions on, or with, data.
Dirty Dirty refers to a recordset that has pending updates or changes. A form can be “dirty” if someone adds a new record (not just goes to the new record area, but starts entering data), deletes something, or changes some existing data. A bound form can be “dirty” but an unbound form is never dirty, even if controls get changed there. As stated, it is the recordset which really is dirty, and so an unbound form does not have a recordset and therefore can’t be dirty.The code

If Me.Dirty Then Me.Dirty = False

forces a form to save the record. This is good code to use instead of

DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSaveRecord

because the one that refers to Dirty, will ONLY attempt a save if the form is dirty and needs a save. The DoCmd one will attempt a save regardless and that can cause errors, if certain things exist – including default values.

Form Module A form module is a Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) module that is part of the form class in Access. It manages the events on a specific form to which it is attached. Its scope is the form and users should not try to add form events to the module manually. Access manages events on the forms and users adding their own events will cause errors to occur.
Lookup Field Lookup fields are fields in tables that utilize a built-in combo box to look up one value from another table so that it can display one thing while storing the ID. This is NOT a good thing to use at Table level. Please read here for more information: The Evils of Lookup Fields in Tables
MDB File The access database file that allows someone to edit all of the objects within it, if they have a full-version of Microsoft Access (if it isn’t restricted by Access security). The mdb file is the main file type that is created, normally, when you create a new database in Access 1.0, up to Access 2007 (although in Access 2007 it is not the default format unless you set the option for it to be the default).
MDE File A file that is compiled so that the Visual Basic for Applications code and Macros are not able to be viewed and Forms and Reports are not able to be modified. This file type is typically used when you don’t want people to access your code, or macros and don’t want your forms and reports to have changes made to their design. It is also typically used with the runtime version of Microsoft Access. IMPORTANT NOTE: Users with full versions of Access can still modify the design of tables and queries within an MDE file.
MDW File The WORKGROUP security file that houses the security information for a secured database. The default workgroup installed is System.mdw.
ME This is a programming shortcut which lets the programmer refer to the current CLASS object. Most of the time, in Access, you would be referring to a form or report using this. It can also apply to custom classes as well, but is less prevalent unless custom classes are being used.Let’s say you have a form named “frmMain” and you have a text box there called “txtEntry” and you wanted to refer to that text box in code. A fully-qualified reference would be Forms!frmMain.txtEntry but you could also refer to it using the shortcut (as long as the code is ON frmMain): Me.txtEntry
Normalization Normalization is the process of organizing data in a database. This includes creating tables and establishing relationships between those tables according to rules designed both to protect the data and to make the database more flexible by eliminating redundancy and inconsistent dependency. (courtesy Microsoft –
Reserved Word A special word that Access uses either as a name of an object or it can be a property or method or even a function. You should NOT use these as field or object names.
Reserved Words – Access 2002+
Reserved Words – Jet 4.0
Reserved Words List (comprehensive)
Special Characters to Avoid These are special characters you should NOT use in field, or object names:
Standard Module This module is the one that is created when you go to the database window and select MODULES and then click NEW. It is where global (PUBLIC) variables should be declared for use within the entire project and it where user defined functions are normally declared and written.
Subform Control The subform control is the control on the main form that houses the subform. Its name is the name to reference in code and not the subform name. If the subform control, and the subform have the same name, that is okay but it isn’t necessary. If the subform control and the subform have different names then you must remember to refer to the subform control, and not the subform itself, within your code. For example, if you have a subform control named subform1 on a main form named frmMain and your subform within the control is named sfrm_test your code to refer to a text box named txtTest on the subform would be:

Forms!frmMain.subform1.Form.txtTest = "Whatever"